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TIME Hologram Picture, 3D Embossed Type

TIME Hologram Picture, 3D Embossed Type

$ 10.00

Limited edition: ONLY SOME LEFT
Realistic 3D HOLOGRAM graphic representation of a CLOCK. This 2.75" x 3.75" hologram (set into a 5" X 7" black standard matte size) was created from artwork of timepieces that are at various different depths to seemingly "float in space". As the image (or viewer) moves up and down, the image shifts through a range of colors from deep red to yellow - green and dark blue and with horizontal parallax (left to right motion creating depth). Place under a halogen spotlight, single LED or other point source to view, at the right angle the image is in perfect focus with vivid colors of seemingly floating timepieces! If you have any interest in holograms or time pieces in general, this is a must-have for a great price!
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